Thursday, October 1, 2009

September - 30 Who? and the Zoo

After our big trip to Croatia we decided to take it easy for the rest of the month. However there were still a couple of highlights. The first was Tom's 30th birthday. There have been a few back in NZ but this is the first one we have been around to celebrate in London. It was a mexican feast with Tortillas and Margaritas in Shoreditch, an area of London we hadn't visited before. And as a special bonus Josh and Kate dropped in for their last night in Europe before winging their way back to NZ. After dinner we went out for a few drinks at some interesting bars in the area before wishing Josh and Kate their final farewells and heading off home late in the night.

The other big highlight for September was our trip to the London Zoo. We decided that before the weather got really cold we had best get along and see all the animals. It was certainly bigger than Wellington and had a number of very cool enclosures full of monkeys, where you were right next to them. There were also other things you couldn't see in NZ like snakes, Komodo Dragons, glow in the dark scorpions, Giant Galapogos Tortoise and monkeys with Moustaches. Definitely not the highlight of our trip but still glad we went to see some of the cool wildlife.

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